Protests in Yemen turn deadly

Sanaa, Yemen (CNN) -- Five people were killed in clashes between rival forces in the Yemeni capital Sanaa as nationwide protests against the government continued Wednesday.

Of the dead in Sanaa, two were loyal to Gen. Ali Muhsen Al-Ahmar, who has defected to the opposition, a government security official said. The other three were regime soldiers.

Government forces were sending in armored vehicles as reinforcements to the demonstrations in Sanaa, the official said.

Thousands of Yemenis took to the streets in Aden, Taiz, Hodeida and Dhamar.

In addition to the dead in Sanaa, two people were killed in Aden, according to medical staff at the city's Naqeeb Hospital.

Meanwhile, Yemen's attorney general threatened to resign unless the government went after the killers of anti-government protesters last month.

Abdullah Al-Olufi said "those who were responsible for killing almost 60 protesters and injuring hundreds of others should be identified and brought to justice soon."

"If the security authorities don't identify those responsible for the massacre including those who were masked, I will step down," Al-Olufi said as public and external pressure mounts on President Ali Abdullah Saleh to step down.

Protests erupted in Yemen this week despite an attempt by Persian Gulf nations to decrease tensions.

The Gulf Cooperation Council has urged Saleh to transfer powers to his vice president, a move that falls short with the protesters who returned to the streets for marches. Opposition leaders vowed not to back down.

The Joint Meeting Parties bloc, Yemen's largest opposition group, said the Gulf initiative "does not clearly state that Saleh must step down and only focuses on Saleh's transferring power."

"We all know the VP is not strong and will never be able to tell Saleh no, even if all his powers are transferred," said senior bloc official Hasan Zaid.

Saleh, in power since 1978, said he welcomes the council's efforts to help resolve the political crisis in his country. He has said he intends to step down but only under a peaceful and constitutional transition process. He has already promised not to run in the next round of elections.

The United States, which has been allied with the Saleh government in its fight against al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, has welcomed past Gulf council initiatives to resolve the crisis in Yemen.

A man walks past burning tires in Aden on Wednesday, after the Yemeni army shot dead two anti-regime protesters.

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Japan eyes possible damage to spent nuclear fuel

Tokyo (CNN) -- Japanese regulators discounted concerns about damage to the still-potent spent fuel from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant's No. 4 reactor Thursday, saying high radiation levels reported earlier this week "most probably" came from outside debris.

A high reading above the pool prompted the plant's owner, the Tokyo Electric Power Company, to take a sample from the spent fuel pool on Tuesday. But the radiation levels are far lower than they would be if there were damage to the fuel rods, said Hidehiko Nishiyama, the chief spokesman for Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Commission.

"We need more analysis to identify the precise status of the spent fuel in unit 4," he said.

Tokyo Electric said Thursday night that the sample was the first time they have taken a reading off one of the spent fuel pools. The water temperature in the No. 4 pool was 90 degrees Celsius, more than twice a normal reading, and more coolant water was poured into the reservoir on Wednesday.

The company said it suspects the fuel rods were damaged due to insufficient coolant at some point since the crisis began, but could not clarify the timing.

Nishiyama told reporters Thursday evening that the fuel rods have not suffered "any particular damage." Officials are still looking at the readings from that water sample before reaching a final conclusion, but said the radiation reading was "most probably due to debris" blown into the badly damaged housing around the No. 4 reactor.

The Tokyo Electric Power Company reported a cumulative radiation reading above the pool at 84 millisieverts on Tuesday, about a third of the annual allowable dose for plant workers during the emergency. Water samples from the pool showed a concentration of radioactive iodine-131, the most commonly measured reactor byproduct, at 220,000 bequerels per liter -- more than 730 times the amount considered safe for drinking water in Japan.

Outside observers have expressed concerns about the status of the spent fuel in reactors 1, 3 and 4 several times during the month-long crisis at Fukushima Daiichi, about 240 km (150 miles) north of Tokyo. Temperature sensors in those pools have been out since mid-March, and workers have been spraying water into the damaged housings of those reactors on a near-daily basis to keep them topped off.

The battle began March 11, when the tsunami that followed Japan's magnitude 9 earthquake knocked out the plant's cooling systems. Tokyo Electric estimated the height of that wall of water at 14 to 15 m (45 to 48 feet) -- a level Nishiyama said would be the new standard for barriers around Japanese nuclear power plants.

The sea wall around Fukushima Daiichi was 5 m. In the aftermath of the tsunami, the cores of three of Fukushima Daiichi's six reactors were damaged by overheating and resulting hydrogen explosions blew apart the buildings surrounding reactors 1 and 3.

The vast amount of radiation released from the plant, largely in the first two weeks of the disaster, prompted Japanese authorities to rate the crisis at the top of the international scale that measures nuclear accidents. The Level 7 designation puts Fukushima Daiichi on par with the April 1986 Chernobyl accident in the former Soviet Union, though Japanese authorities say their plant has spewed only 10 percent of the radioactivity that was emitted from Chernobyl.

Plant workers have been pouring hundreds of tons of water a day into the three reactors that were damaged in the aftermath, and at least one of the reactors, in unit 2, is believed to be leaking highly radioactive water. Radioactive contamination spread across a wide swath of land around the plant and into the adjacent Pacific Ocean, though data released by government ministries has shown a decline in radiation levels in recent weeks.

Engineers have taken steps this week toward containing the disaster, pumping radioactive water from service trenches and tunnels into a storage reservoir for No. 2 reactor's steam condensers. And they are laying the piping needed to transfer an estimated 10,000 tons into a facility designed for treating low-level radioactive waste Tokyo Electric said Thursday.

The company dumped more than 9,000 tons of less-radioactive water into the Pacific last week to make room for the more-dangerous fluid believed to be leaking from reactor No. 2 -- a move Japanese authorities described as an emergency measure, but one that enraged the country's fishermen.

The government issued expanded evacuation orders Monday for several towns outside the 30-kilometer radius that was declared a danger zone in the early days of the disaster, warning that prolonged exposure to radiation levels there could pose a long-term danger to human health. And Japanese government data this week reported finding low levels of radioactive strontium, another reactor byproduct, in two of those towns in the days after the disaster.

Strontium-90 is considered a health hazard not only because of its 29-year radioactive half-life but because a portion of it gets absorbed by bone if ingested, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. There is no acceptable standard for strontium under Japanese regulations, but Japan's science ministry said the reported figures were not high enough to pose an immediate danger to human health.

The Japanese government has tried to limit the damage done to farmers in Fukushima and other prefectures where contamination from the plant has been found, lifting bans on farm products from surrounding areas if they pass three tests in three successive weeks.

Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano, the government's point man on the crisis, announced Thursday that kakina, a leafy green, from Tochigi Prefecture was now safe for shipment. The move follows a ban on outdoor-grown shiitake mushrooms from 16 towns and villages neighboring damaged plant to the country's banned food list Wednesday.

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7 Rahasia Perempuan Langsing

Penulis: Felicitas Harmandini | Editor: Dini
Kamis, 14 April 2011 | 18:58 WIB — Anda sirik enggak, sih, melihat teman Anda yang selalu terlihat ramping? Padahal, mereka tidak terlihat repot berdiet atau olahraga untuk mempertahankan berat badannya.

Sebenarnya, mereka bisa tetap langsing bukan sekadar karena gen, tetapi juga karena kebiasaan-kebiasaan mereka. Penelitian terbaru menunjukkan bahwa perubahan kecil dan seolah tanpa upaya (seperti yang dilakukan perempuan-perempuan langsing ini) yang terjadi setiap hari, bisa membuat berat badan turun perlahan dan berkelanjutan. Artinya, tidak menjadi diet yo-yo di mana berat badan cepat turun dan cepat naik lagi. Yuk, kita lihat saja bagaimana kebiasaan mereka.

Senang minum teh
Teh memiliki kandungan catechin, antioksidan di dalam teh yang mempercepat pembakaran kalori. Perempuan yang mengasup catechin dalam level tertinggi berat badannya cenderung akan berkurang selama 14 tahun, daripada mereka yang jarang minum teh. Menurut studi yang diterbitkan di The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, kandungan catechin tertinggi ada pada teh hijau dan teh putih.

Memilih makanan rumahan
Cobalah menu hidangan ala dapur orang Jepang, yang banyak menyajikan masakan dari ikan, sayuran, nasi, kedelai, mi, teh, dan buah. Semuanya diolah dengan cara sederhana. Cita rasanya yang khas berasal dari minyak kanola, bawang, wortel, dan bokchoy. Tetapi, kurangi sodium (yang merupakan kandungan dalam garam), begitu saran Lilian Cheung, RD, DSc, Direktur Health Promotion and Communication di Department of Nutrition, Harvard School of Public Health.

Rutin sarapan
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition melaporkan, orang yang terbiasa sarapan cenderung memiliki lingkar pinggang 5 cm lebih kecil daripada mereka yang enggan sarapan. Sarapan bisa mendorong metabolisme, menyebabkan Anda mengurangi produksi enzim yang meningkatkan kolesterol.

Nikmati makanan Anda
Makan dengan perlahan bisa membantu Anda untuk tetap kurus. Mereka yang membutuhkan waktu 30 menit untuk mengonsumsi semangkuk es krim akan menciptakan lebih banyak hormon "kenyang" daripada mereka yang terbiasa makan dengan cepat, demikian hasil penelitian yang dimuat di The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. Saat bersantap, hindari sambil nonton TV agar Anda bisa berkonsentrasi dengan makanan lezat yang ada di hadapan Anda.

Biasakan melakukan hal yang rutin
Misalnya, makan pada jam yang sama setiap hari. Para peneliti dari Salk Institute for Biological Studies di La Jolla, California, mendapati pada tikus yang makan sesuai jadwal dan berpuasa selama 12 jam pada malam hari, livernya mengaktifkan gen yang membakar lebih banyak gula dan lemak. Percobaan ini memang tidak diujikan pada manusia, namun jika membiasakan diri untuk makan malam pukul 19.00 tiap malam bisa membantu menurunkan berat badan, kenapa tidak?

Awali dengan air putih
Minum dua cangkir air putih sebelum makan akan membantu Anda menurunkan berat badan 2,2 kg lebih banyak daripada mereka yang tidak minum air sebelum makan. Penelitian dari Virginia Tech ini juga mengungkapkan, air bisa membuat Anda kenyang sehingga Anda cenderung mengurangi makanan hingga 75-90 kalori. Untuk memulai kebiasaan ini, coba minum air putih saat Anda masih menyiapkan makan atau menunggu pesanan Anda tiba di restoran.

Menimbang badan
Menimbang badan ternyata perlu dilakukan secara rutin, setidaknya sekali dalam seminggu. Sebab melihat jarum timbangan bergerak ke kanan bisa menjadi sinyal bahwa Anda perlu mengurangi makan dan mulai berolahraga sebelum berat badan terus naik. Kebiasaan inilah, menurut Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation, yang membantu Anda untuk mendapatkan berat yang stabil tanpa berdiet.

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Bill Gates endorses's free educational resources

Microsoft founder Bill Gates, once the richest man in the world, knows a good deal when he sees one. Since 2010, Gates, whose foundation supports education, has heaped praise on, a Web site banking more than 2,500 free mini-lectures on subjects from history to math.

Featured by most major news outlets from CNN to National Public Radio, the one-man show behind the Web site is its prolific founder Salman Khan, a MIT and Harvard-educated former hedge fund manager. Since 2006, the New Orleans native of East Indian and Bangladeshi descent has generated videos of his step-by-step instructions he places on YouTube from a walk-in closet turned home office in his Silicon Valley ranch-style house.

As with many good ideas, started close to home when Khan’s cousin, who then was in the seventh grade, approached him for tutoring in math. He agreed to do it remotely, and an avocation was born.

In 10 to 15 minutes, visitors can catch up on just about anything. The math-challenged can get up to speed on quadratic equations, conic sections or calculus derivatives. Though Khan still is working on his lectures on the history of the world, he appears to favor the French Revolution, the Napoleonic era and the Haitian Revolution.

Khan has the background to support his gift to humanity. At MIT, he earned bachelor’s degrees in math, electrical engineering and computer science. He earned an MBA at Harvard.

If Gates thinks this site is good enough to use for his three kids, it might well be worthwhile for anyone to check it out.

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